Guilherme Cariello

Guilherme Cariello was born in Nova Friburgo (State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) in 1996. Guilherme received his Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Chemistry from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) in 2019. In the same year, he received the Academic Award from UFF. His undergraduate research was focused on the synthesis of phenyl-pyrazoles derivatives to be used as a potential corrosion inhibitor of carbon steel. In 2021, Guilherme obtained his Master’s degree in Organic Synthesis from University of Campinas under the supervision of Dr. Airton Gonçalves Salles Junior. His Master’s research concerned the discovery of new reactivities neat or on water which included photochemical and TEMPO-catalyzed reactions. In March 2022, he began his PhD under the supervision of Dr. Rodrigo A. Cormanich and Dr. Igor Dias Jurberg at the University of Campinas aiming photochemical studies of diazo compounds.  Outside the lab, Guilherme’s main interest is baking, but this time, it’s not like chemistry and he can lick the spoon. 

