This photo was taken on August 3rd 2018 and marks the beginning of the group. Although the group was already working on several research projects, prof. Cormanich was living in the US along a year for a postdoc and was advising the students only by email and (sometimes) Skype. As soon as he got back to Brazil, the group decided to hang out together in a local bar that has lots of good Brazilian food (coxinha) and beer (we don’t want to give a free merchandising for the bar, but Estação barão coxinha’s are way too good to avoid it). Those guys are the first students/researchers in Cormanich’s group and we are very excited about the prospects. This photo characterizes what we are looking for in our beginning as a group: joy, excitement, chemistry, good food and (of course) to have a lot of beer to celebrate friendship and to have a break on Fridays after a hard work week.
Left to right: Guilherme B. Pereira, Rodrigo A. Cormanich, Marco A. S. Afonso, Lucas A. Zeoly and Luís H. Simões.